What is the Oxfordshire Rough Sleeping Charter? It is a partnership of the many organisations working within Oxfordshire to end rough sleeping for good. “To ensure that ...
In principle, we believe that everything should be done to ensure that people have a safe space to sleep in extreme weather. However, night shelters ...
Recently we spotted a great story about three survivors of domestic abuse who began a furniture project to provide women with furnishings who might have ...
What does it mean and what can you do? A ‘wicked problem’ has lots of causes. It’s a problem that is difficult to describe and doesn’t have a simple solution. It can’t be solved by ...
…It’s not just somewhere they can come in and shelter. It’s somewhere where there is information available.” – John, ex-serviceman. As Armed Forces Day 2020 ...
Homeless Oxfordshire is one of the few front-line services that continued to operate throughout the COVID19 pandemic and it’s thanks to your support that we’ve been able to help of 200 service users stay safe during this time. When the COVID19 crisis ...