Contact us

For all enquiries please submit the secure contact form below, selecting the relevant department for your enquiry, or if your enquiry is urgent please call 01865 304600.

Please read our privacy policy for details on how we process your information.

Concerned about someone who is homeless?

Please contact Streetlink, who will contact the local Outreach Team from St Mungo’s.

St Mungo’s Outreach Team go out in the early hours every day, talking to homeless people and referring them to the relevant services.

Streetlink logo

Arrange a visit to discuss homelessness issues

We are really happy to visit your group, school or organisation to discuss homelessness issues, talk about our work and how you can help. Alternatively, small groups are welcome to arrange a tour of O’Hanlon House (sorry, no under 18’s).

Please get in touch using the contact form above.

Our Community Commitment

We believe that everyone should live in a safe and comfortable environment that they can be proud of and we know that communities and neighbourhoods are a crucial part of people’s recovery, independence and ongoing support.

We commit to:

Please use the form above if you would like to contact us about a situation in your neighbourhood relating to Homeless Oxfordshire.