Jon was struggling. With issues around drug dealing, sex working and financial abuse, he saw no light at the end of the tunnel. In his despair, he turned to Homeless Oxfordshire for help.
As a high priority, vulnerable client, we got to work fast, creating a safe and well-monitored space for Jon to live comfortably with us. We also supported him to protect himself and ensure he could manage his money better.
Working alongside the Neighbourhood Police Team, together, we reported any connected incidents and guided with our expertise and empathy.
For Jon, it was the safest option to seek sustainable private rented accommodation out of the area, and we helped him on that path.
To keep him on that path, we:
- Set up a repayment plan to support and address his arrears
- Helped him engage with Compass staff
- Searched for PRS
- Built his self-esteem and confidence to help him search for employment
* These are the real experiences of one of our clients, but images and names have been changed to protect their identity.